Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Squatter

I have been spoiled. In my fifteen years as a professional baseball player I have seen countless ballparks and locker rooms. I have seen the lowliest clubhouses of Medicine Hat Alberta and Nashville, Tennessee.(two of the all time worst) As well as the luxuries and comforts of the major league stadiums. I was shocked at my discovery here in Rimini in our own locker room. The locker room is pretty standard in a low level kind of way, I was not expecting luxury in the first place. I have had locker rooms that have been worse. Nothing prepared me for what I was to find when I pulled open the door to the bathroom stall. I let out a burst of laughter as I stared at the ceramic treaded footplacements that are strategically placed in the basin with a hole. They call it the squatter. No need for reading material now.


Unknown said...

Culture shock? That is too funny. I hope you have strong leg muscles. :)

Jessica said...

ya that is my nightmare for our trip to China to bring our little girl home here soon. Squatti Potties are the norm there. =0 . I Some how avoided ever having to use one in Vietnam but China is less westernized in that respect so I doubt I will get so lucky this time.

Jessica said...

hey could you add me to your blog roll please?

Me~Kelly said...

wow. i just got a visual and i'm trying to eat dinner - and it's meatloaf. thanks josh.

Jin is from China and much of her family is still there - she tells stories of holes in the ground. no thanks.

ask El about hovering, all us ladies have hovering down to a science - perfected by many years of visiting dive bars (aka Cottons)

Eleanor Phelps said...

Jessica I don't know how to do that!! If you do let me know and Kelly I could win a hovering contest. lol Thankfully the girls have real toilets here.