Friday, April 16, 2010

Daddy leaves tomorrow!

So Josh leaves tomorrow to go play baseball again! Hannah decided to hide a letter in his suitcase. This is the sweetest letter ever. I was teary eyed reading it. Hope you guys enjoy and realize what a sweet sensitive little girl I have. I am proud of her and love her to death. She makes me proud to be her mommy. It is a picture of her and Josh holding hands! Look how much better her body is than Josh's! That girl has curves for a stick figure! Got to love it!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Towboy Town AKA Tombstone

So as some of you may know Josh was released by the Rockies on Friday morning. So we decided to take advantage of the day off and head down to Tombstone on Saturday morning. We had a really great time. Here are some pictures of our day.