Thursday, March 31, 2011

Trip across the pond!

Our first flight was to London and it was an 8 hour flight!! Yikes!! It was not bad at all as far as the kids were concerned. They both were able to sleep the last 5hours....... on their parents. Needless to say Josh and I pretty much got no sleep maybe 30 minutes here or there. Well we land in London and are stuck here for 7 hours. At least they speak English though.....right? The kids did well again, the parents not so much. We are both so tired and cranky(mostly Josh, me just in response to him). We ate breakfast at 2 in the morning our time and then off to the kids play area. They had a tv and like 2 toys. Seriously, an airport that size should have at least more than 2 toys. All in all London layover was a success. Next flight we are heading to Bolongna, Italy. The flight was 2 hours. Josh and the kids slept the whole flight. It was an easy one after 8 hours thats for sure. Finally we have arrived in Italy. Next was a 2 hour drive to Rimini. The kids slept the whole trip. We arrive at our apartment and it is really nice. We have hardwood floors, two bedrooms, two balconies, and a bidet in both bathrooms. Hannah and Hudson thought the bidet was hilarious after they figured out that no it was not a drinking fountain or a sink for kids to wash their hands. I walked in the bathroom and found Hudson trying to drink out of it. EEEEEWWWWWEEEEIIII Now Hudson has to use it every time he goes to the potty. We are trying to settle in and learn some Italian because boy are we going to have to. Not many people at all speak English. This is going to be an adventure for sure. Wish us luck!


Jessica said...

Glad to hear your trip there went well! Praying for you guys!!!

Dorene said...

Wow, what an experience! I hope you thoroughly enjoy it and that the memories last a lifetime, I'm sure they will. Be safe!! GO JOSH!!

Unknown said...

So, is that where you guys are living? Rimini? I remember visiting Silvi Marina, Italy about 9 years ago...beautiful, quaint, on the Mediterranean coast.

Hmmm, let's see....I'd say... NO ONE spoke English except the staff at the resort... Those rural towns are NOTHING like Rome, Milan, Florence, Venice.... or any other Italian city that thrives on tourism. In other words (pun intended) YES you will HAVE to pick up some Italian..and fast. But the good news is that you WILL pick it up quickly. The kids will be even better at it than you will be! : ) (seriously)

I hope you all will settle in quickly, and work through the inevitable frustrations of adjusting pretty much every aspect of your lives. If anyone can roll with the punches, it's you!

Best of Luck guys!! Love-Rach

Me~Kelly said...

exciting! now u need to post some pics :)