Scooby Dooby Do where are you, you got some place to be now.....
Mystery Inc. rocked Halloween on the loop. Hannah and Hudson had a blast. Hudson kept saying, "Hawoween is fun" all night and we had a hard time keeping up with Hannah. We solicited help from our friend Ms. Francis to man the door and hand out the goods while we trick or treated the loop. Halloween is a blast on our loop, the road closes and it is nothing but kids and families pulling wagons up and down the streets and sidewalks hitting up the houses who set up shop in the drive ways. The kids were proud of their bounty
Hannah as Velma is the cutest! very clever phelps family, very clever.
i have to be honest, i don't really get hudsons. is he dressed up?
i see the facial hair, but? i need some clarification.
You need to brush up on your Mystery Inc. old school cartoons. Shaggy wears a green t-shirt with brown pants in every episode with the chin hair. So dissapointed....
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