Monday, October 18, 2010

Dinner Table conversation

Last night we were sitting at the dinner table eating and asking Hannah and Hudson questions about school. The conversation led into a question about Hannah's teacher, Mrs. Kelly, who happens to not accept any nonsense in class. We asked her who gets in trouble in class for acting up. Of course like a true Canary she starts to tell us who the regular offenders are. Our curiosity gets the better of us and we start to ask about her friends, the ones we know, if Mrs. Kelly had to get on to them. So we ask about, Mia, and Joey and she tells us that they are good. When we ask about her friend Chloe, who lives one street over, she responds emphatically.

"Oh no, she's 6, she might beat you up."

I still remember when one more year got you that much street credit, whatever happened to that?

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