Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Hudson

He woke up and exclaimed "Its's my Birfday," and I ask how old are you, He says "I'm free."
Well not quite yet little man but its hard to argue with you. I am having a hard time not admiring your birthday shiner and those stitches in your fat lip and wondering how you have survived three years Danger Dude. I truly believe God makes all the bad ones really cute to ensure their survival and you fit the mold. Love you buddy don't grow up to fast.
Mama the day before you were born.Just seconds old.The very first time Mama got to see you. It was love at first site. You were the sweetest thing.Your Dot Dog cake for your 2nd birthday.The cakes Hannah and Mama made you for your 2nd birthday.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Schools out

Today we took advantage of Florida and went to the beach. Kids were out of school today thanks to our Veterans and we made the most of it. There really is something to be said for making sand castles in November. Hannah couldn't wait to flaunt her bikini and Hudson never bothered taking off his shirt. I had two engineers who made sure their sand castle plans were carried out to their exact specifications or Hudson would stomp them and make us start over, all the while I got to provide the free labor. After our triumphant feats of sand engineering we finished with a picnic in the park. Veterans Day was a success........ Thank You for Your Sacrifices!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Frick or Freat

Scooby Dooby Do where are you, you got some place to be now.....

Mystery Inc. rocked Halloween on the loop. Hannah and Hudson had a blast. Hudson kept saying, "Hawoween is fun" all night and we had a hard time keeping up with Hannah. We solicited help from our friend Ms. Francis to man the door and hand out the goods while we trick or treated the loop. Halloween is a blast on our loop, the road closes and it is nothing but kids and families pulling wagons up and down the streets and sidewalks hitting up the houses who set up shop in the drive ways. The kids were proud of their bounty

Halloween Week

This was an Extremely busy week in the Phelps household. Hannah's schools Red Ribbon week matched up with Hudson's costume parades. Hannah got to dress up everyday with themes of Hat day, Hawaiian day, Favorite book day, Favorite team day, and PJ day. This is the first time in Hudson's life that he got to dominate the picture taking priority. Since Hudson attends Pre-K 5 days he got two parties and two parades, hence the two costumes and the lack of Hannah's themed pictures. Let me tell you, the parade of the two year old class is the closest thing I can imagine of what herding cats actually looks like. It was cute and he loved it.