Sunday, February 21, 2010

Lemonade Stand

So Hannah decided today that she wanted to have a lemonade stand. I thought about it and said sure why not. So we set up got our lemonade ready, table, table cloth, and blueberry muffins too. She had a really good time. Every time a car would go by she would wave and yell lemonade stand. Super cute. Lemonade was 25 cents and muffins were 50 cents. She ended up making $17.75. I think she wants to do this every weekend now.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Captain Underwear!

Is that not the cutest little boy! He is super proud of his big kid Diego undies!!!

Anyone recognize these guys?

Josh found these cards last night going through an old box of baseball stuff. I thought they were awesome and had to share them. Hope you enjoy them as much as we did.

The first picture is Parker. It was taken on family day in Toronto. It was July 2003. I surprised Josh and flew Bryan and Parker out for a visit. It was alot of fun.

I will also give you the stats on the back of the cards for Josh, Bryan, and Casey.

Josh Phelps
age 12
height 5 ft. 3 inches
Weight 100 lbs
IGA Hawks

Bryan Phelps
age 9
height 4 ft. 7 inches
weight 68 lbs.

K.C. Phelps
age 7
height 4 ft. 3 inches (which is only 3 inches taller than Hannah at age 5)
weight ? it is not listed!
First base
Red Sox
Coach Patty Phelps

Sunday, February 14, 2010

You live in Florida?

That question is usually followed by, you guys must go to the beach all the time. Well actually we hardly ever go. Once or twice a year and that is about it.
Well we got up this morning and Josh decided that is was a great idea to go to the beach and hunt some sea shells. I thought he was crazy. It is 50 degrees here. Who would ever go to the beach when it is that cold. WE DID! The kids had a great time and the beach was super nice. There was a playground and everything. We might even go back soon.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hannah's Valentine Tea!

Hannah and her girlfriend Kylie!

Hannah's first admirer! He is in love with her. Always wants to sit with her at school. He is super cute and has very good taste in women.

We had a great time. Daddy was not able to come because Hannah said her brother was not invited. Poor Hudson always gets left out.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

New tubes!

Hudson did perfect yesterday. He went back to the OR around 8:35 and at 8:45 Dr. Andrews came out and said everything went well. That we would get to see in 30mins in recovery. We got the call and this is what was being wheeled around the corner.

What a sweet little boy in a little hospital bed. Josh and I both cracked up. He was cranky for about 2 hours then back to his normal self. I asked him if the doctor put a mask on him to go to sleep and he said yep! I asked him what did he say, he replied bye bye doctor. I was laughing so hard.

Friday, February 5, 2010

My newest creation!

I made this outfit today and absolutly love it. Let me know what you think!


So Josh comes downstairs about 10 last night and says I have dibbs on Hannah's bed. I was a little confused until I walked upstairs and found this in my bed.

Granted we do have a king size bed but it is not big enough for all of us!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Here we go again!

Well exactly a year ago Hudson had tubes put in his ears. It was super fast and easy after everything was said and done. But there is no feeling like handing your baby over to a nurse to go back for any kind of surgery. It is the most helpless feeling I have ever had. Just sit and wait and sit and wait. Luckily it only took about 15 minutes and he was in recovery.

So today we went back to the ENT and on next Tuesday he will be the proud owner of his second set of tubes. I love his Doctor. He is super sweet and really good with Hudson so that makes it easier. This time he will get tubes and have his adenoids removed. Wish us luck.
My sweet little boy!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Funny little Hannah

Sunday night was my last big night of eating bad so we decided to have fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and gravy. Josh told Hannah that you can not eat it everyday because it is really bad for your heart and will make you fat.

So today I ask her, What would you like for dinner? Chicken? She says well don't make it fried you will get a fat heiny and have a heart attack. Thanks Hannah!!!!

Princess Pancakes

I asked Hannah what she would like for breakfast this morning and she answered princess pancakes. Well we had to improvise a little and this is what she got.

Monday, February 1, 2010

A new me!

So today I started my diet and exercise program. I always dread doing this. I start on a Monday and by Wednesday I am so obsessed with the foods I should not be eating that I fail. Well this time failure is not an option for me. I went to the YMCA and did 45 minutes of cardio and actually had a good time. It was nice to listen to my ipod and not have to worry about a thing. I am going to stick with this program. I can't wait for you guys to see the new my in 3 or 4 months, I promise you will be impressed. I made a bet with Patty. The first of us to lose 10 lbs had to buy the other a massage. Anyone want to jump on board go ahead. I dare you.