Sunday, January 31, 2010

Eggplant Potato Head!

Who would of thought eggplant could be so much fun! Here is the story! Angela and I go to the farmers market yesterday and the lady at the counter told us we had to take a look at something. We almost peed our pants laughing at all of the funny things we could dress him up as. Well we decided that this would be his get up! Josh thinks we are stupid, but I believe I am one funny person.


This is them eating chocolate chip pancakes! Josh made them and they are in heaven.

This one is for Kelly!

Alrighty guys! Here goes nothing. Back to writing again. I am going to try and update this at least once a day. May be a great story or just a funny little thing the kids say. Well this weekend we have had Baylor, my nephew. Hannah and him are super buddies now. They get along so well, but it has not always been this way. From the time Baylor was a little baby all he would do is look at Hannah and he would cry. They have fought from the time they were born. When they were together it was constant war. I really have enjoyed his visit this time. They are playing so well together and sometimes there is even silence in the house while they are in the same room. He goes home tonight so it will be back to Hannah and Hudson at war! Yippee